June 13, 2011


 George drills the mini snowshoes in his hand selected birch with the same drill he uses for his 'human sized' snowshoes. These are ideal for any collection or residence display. So contact Ruby's July 4th Committee to buy raffle tickets.
He fills the footing area last with imitation sinew on these wall display 21 inch snowshoes. Earlier he filled the toe and tail with nylon floss. These snowshoes were created for the July 4th Ruby raffle to benefit the racers here.

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21 and LEGIT

You heard it first here. A 21 inch labor of love. 21 inches of birch, nylon floss and faux sinew. The first time George ever became involved in making mini versions of his useable snowshoes. These are for a raffle to benefit Ruby's July 4th racers. Contact Leah at 468-4466 and Jennie at 468-4461 for tickets. Out of towners can purchase and we will ship the ss to the winner. Be the first. If not the last. Own your own "George Alberts."

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21 inches of hanging birch, faux sinew and nylon floss

Who wouldn't see clearly the workmanship that George put into these first time ever made small wall size snowshoes? These 21 inch model snowshoes should grace your wall.  He claimed he would never make mini replicas of his fully useable twine or babiche full size snowshoes. But he decided to challenge himself this June and do so and then donated them to our local non-profit event. If you purchase a Raffle Ticket from "Ruby's 4th of July Events" Committee, you may be lucky enough to win them. Drawing is July 4th. Call Leah 468-4466 or Jennie 468-4461. These could be his (first and) last as they are fussy to work on (or was that the snowshoe maker is fussy and perfectionist?).

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