February 14, 2011

OYH DZAAYE' Valentine to Denaakke'e - Language of the Koyukon Athabascans

Oyh dzaaye' is a term that means  "Snowshoe-heart."  It refers to the triangle spaces in traditional babiche snowshoe netting. It also refers to the largest triangle formed when the snowshoe builder first begins to fill his snowshoe. The shape of a heart is vaguely formed in the spaces between the babiche (or nylon twine in everyday use snowshoes).

   As Jules Jette' wrote and is quoted in The Koyukon Athabascan Dictionary (with Denaakke'e language expert Eliza Jones):  "...If the guiding lines of the large oyh dzaaye' are good, the whole work will be satisfactory, i.e., strong, light, and with some elegance."  this dictionary/'encyclopedia' is the ultimate reference book to Athabascan culture-available widely in Alaska. Lots of 1898 to 1923 research with photos, sketches, language definitions, journal entries and updates during this Jesuit priest's "retirement."
We in Alaska have much to thank these folks as well as Elders and the University of Alaska at Fairbank's Alaska Native Language Center for documenting the First People's language and our jointly admired culture.

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Five and Half Footers Leave A Big Impression

WHERE THERE IS A TREE, THERE IS A WAY...to make Custom Snowshoes like these five and half footers for the extra Tall or heavy person in your life. Or one who carries alot of weight on their shoulder (ie:travel backpack). May 2010

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Make Tracks With Me

Snowshoeing-A Valentine Aerobic Activity for you and your loved one's Heart.

 Or walk off the energy...when you are left alone!!
 Degge nok' eet' onh ! ('The sun has risen' in Denaakke'e)

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